Terms of collaboration
Legal age
Models must be of legal age. (1)
A collaboration is a photoshoot without remuneration between photographer and model (TFP = Time For Print).
A standard collaboration contract is signed:
- It specifies that this is a free photoshoot (collaboration).
- It authorizes taking of pictures of a model (image rights)
- It recalls copyright principle (photographer).
Model expenses are covered (travel, preparation, for example).
Outfits (clothes, accessories) are either provided (photographer) or brought (model), depending on the theme and what is available.
Depending on the theme, the shooting takes place:
- Outdoors: natural setting (sea, mountain,...) or urban landscape (urbex,...)
- Indoors: rental (hotel, private accommodation, etc.) or at home (model)
A common selection (between photographer and model) of a reasonable number of photos (interest of the photos, time required for their finalization depending on their number) is provided in high resolution and a standard format (jpg).
(1)The photography of minor models is legally possible provided that the obligations are respected (parental authorization, types of photos, protection of photos, etc.).