Lou Ficanaos


Photoshoot themes

What is often called a photographic theme corresponds rather to a photographic genre. These are generic themes, the most common of which are listed below (fashion, lingerie, sport, etc.).

The shooting themes favored here are more specific: they are built as photographic projects, ranging from staging to their photographic composition, to create images that have meaning by themselves:
The collaborations proposed here try to privilege these specific themes without obviously excluding shootings of more generic themes.

As a reminder, the most common generic themes, or photographic genres, are: In addition to these types of shooting commonly found in people photography, two other themes are privileged here: Other themes complement these fundamental genres, such as those linked to an activity (corporate photo, advertising, dance, etc.), events (wedding, pregnancy, artist performance, etc.), or themes going beyond the portrait such as street photography for example. The list is far from being exhaustive...
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