The original page in French does not translate, as in English, a photography and a photograph have two distinctive meanings whereas in French, the same word "photographie" is used to designate both the photography as a process and photographs as images created by this technic.
Photography: it is a process, a technique, an art that allows you to fix an image of what light reveals.
A photograph: it is the image obtained by this process, that is to say the resulting shot using a medium that allows it to be viewed, digitally (jpg, raw, ...) or physically (printing).
In French, the same word (photographie) refers either to the process or to the image, depending on the context altogether with the choice of the article (la = the or une = a)
Painting is a better illustration as the same word conveys two different meanings both in English and in French : painting refers to both the process of painting and the result obtained. Like photographie in French.
Maybe the conclusion is : photography or photograph..., y is it key ?