Who has never taken the same photo 2, 3, 5, 10 times hoping each time to correct an element (the pose, the framing, the light)?
Who has never complained about an unforeseen event that upsets the result of a photo (technical oversight, capricious weather, location changes, etc.)?
So why not put words to these evils?
Photo-Grail: the absolute and endless quest for the perfect photo, whether measured in professional recognition, exposure success, financial return, impact social ("likes"...) or pure personal satisfaction.
Photo-Grail: follower of the photo-Grail, inevitably brought to rail against the obstacles punctuating his quest, in particular (and above all!) at the ultimate moment when it could (almost) have succeeded: the fault of the equipment, the weather, the hazards or bad luck...
Photo-graddiction: compulsive practice of photography, in constant search of the pleasure that its practice provides.
With for pendant:
Phot-obsession: uncontrollable tendency to confuse photography with reality and wanting to see the latter only through the photographic image, without discerning its tricks.
Phot-obsessed: person prey to a photo-obsession, replacing the vision of reality by its photographic representation up to a denial of reality for extreme cases.
« My favorite picture ?
The one I'll take tomorrow.»
Imogen Cunningham